Monday, January 29, 2007

Time to Read

In working full time with the clients of Simply Organized Life over the last two years, I have met some wonderfully interesting intelligent people. One of the common threads among my clients is that they seem to have a thirst for knowledge, particularly the written word. Everyone wants to know how they can find more time to read the books, magazines and newspapers piled up around their house.

At the core of my organizing philosophy is the belief that if we are able to organize the more mundane details of life (laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc.) we will have time for the things we love, such as reading. That being said, in 2007 there is way more information to read than any of us have the time to keep up with. So we have to be a bit selective in choosing (and keeping) our reading material.

Here are some tips:

  1. An old newspaper is like a used Kleenex. Recycle newspapers more than a couple of days old.
  2. Limit the number of magazines by using a container, such as a basket to store them in one place.
  3. Practice the one in, one out rule for books. If you buy a new book, donate or sell an old one.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Preparing for the Inevitable

Most of us probably do not want to think about, let alone prepare for, our inevitable deaths. Admitedly, on our organizing journeys this is probably one of the later things we will spend time on. However, it is an important gift that we can provide to our families and our heirs.

My colleague, Shannon Ronald, who I met at the 2006 NAPO Conference in Boston recently appeared on internet radio. Shannon, who is both a professional organizer and a life coach discusses the need to speak openly with our family members about our inevitable deaths. Click here to listen to the 10 minute segment with Shannon.

As with any other task on our organizing journeys, preparing for death can take many forms. One element is physical (i.e. your "stuff") while other elements include paperwork, financial documents and other wishes after death. By decluttering throughout the stages of our life and organizing our paperwork, we can eliminate stress for our loved ones after we are gone.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year 2007!

Simply Organized Life is entering its second year in business full time. We would like to thank all of our clients, blog readers, seminar attendees and others that have helped make this business a success.

A New Year is a time that offers us a fresh start and new hope on our personal and professional journeys. We look forward to helping new and old friends on their organizational journeys in 2007.

Now is the time to bring out the new calendars and set goals for the New Year. What opportunity a New Year and a blank calendar brings!