Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Holiday Tip #5: Declutter!

We have talked about prioritizing how you use your time and money during the holidays. Now it is time to talk about how you use your space during the holidays.

Tip #5: Declutter your Space!

If you plan to decorate for the holidays at home or in the office, all of your beautiful decorations will be overshadowed if clutter abounds. Now is the time to declutter! This can be very empowering! Not only will you make room for those beautiful decorations, you will also make room for new gifts!

Make room for decorations!
Holiday decorations are usually displayed in the most public areas of a home or office. These are the areas that you want to look nice for visitors all through the year, but especially at the holidays. If you are overwhelmed by clutter in these spaces, focus on one area at a time that you plan to decorate. For example, if you want to decorate your staircase banisters, focus on clearing the steps of any clutter.

Make room for new gifts!
This tip is great for anyone that expects to receive a gift during the holidays. At Simply Organized Life we teach our clients to practice the "one in, one out" rule. This means that if something new comes into your space, something old must go out. This simple rule can keep clutter from taking over! By letting go of some things before the holidays, you can free up space and share with others that may be less fortunate. It is also a great lesson to teach children!

January is GO (Get Organized) Month! Watch for more tips on decluttering next month!
Remember....it is a process, not an event!

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