Saturday, September 30, 2006

Preparedness: Your Computer

This last day of September, I realize that my blogs for National Preparedness Month have been few and far between. For that, I apologize. I do hope you have gained useful and timely information from the blogs that were posted.

One area of preparedness that we might neglect is our computers. We have become so dependent upon these machines that it is important to keep them "tuned up" much like we would a automobile.

A week ago today, my computer decided to have a total meltdown, or a total breakdown if I am to continue with the automotive metaphor. I had gotten a little lax about backing up my data, but anything important was saved and most of the pieces are back together again.

The lesson to be learned is to backup often, use proper security precautions and to keep software up to date. The other lesson to be learned is to let go of those things that were lost and keep on going. Nothing is forever.

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