Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Kitchen Organizing Tips

Enjoy Summer's Bounty with a Tidy Kitchen
Summer is officially here! My favorite thing about summer in Michigan is our abundance of fresh local produce. With an organized kitchen you can enjoy the foods of summer even more.
Here are some quick and easy ways to keep your kitchen organized and clean:
1) Clean Up After Every Meal
Organization breeds organization. You (and hopefully, your family) will be more likely to keep a tidy kitchen when you clean up after every meal. Wash or put dirty dishes in the dishwasher and wipe down counter tops.
2) Know What You Have
Before heading out to the grocery store or local farmers' market, check your refrigerator and pantry. Base your meal plan and shopping list on what you already have on hand. This will save you money and eliminate food waste.
3) Wipe Down Your Refrigerator
A 2010 Wall Street Journal article reported that most Americans clean their refrigerators only once or twice a year. Why wait until it gets gross? If you shop weekly your refrigerator should be nearly empty the day before. This is a perfect time to wipe down your refrigerator. An old rag with vinegar and water works great.
4) Put Paper in its Place
It is a fact of life. Paper is going to end up in the kitchen. Find a designated place for papers to land in your home away from food preparation. I have a desk in my kitchen where papers land temporarily. In addition, I utilize a 3M Command spring clip on the wall for papers related to upcoming events or deadlines.
Carolyn Anderson-Fermann is a public speaker, organizing expert and founder of Simply Organized Life. Carolyn will be presenting the hands on workshop "Tame the Paper Monster" at My Urban Toddler in Saline, Michigan on July 20, 2012 (childcare is available, check with My Urban Toddler for details).

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