Wednesday, January 23, 2013

More Goal Setting Tips

Carolyn speaking to Hebrew Day School of Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Academic studies have found that as many as 88% of people who make New Year's Resolutions will break them. While that statistic is rather discouraging, let's focus on how we can be part of the 12% who succeed in 2013. 

Here are some simple strategies to achieve your goals in 2013:

1) The Fewer the Better
Rather than setting several resolutions at once, it is better to focus on one or two obtainable goals at a time. 

2) Put it on Paper
Writing down our resolutions and viewing them daily keeps our attention on the task at hand. 

3) Break it Down
Break down your goal into doable tasks that can be scheduled on your calendar. 

Do you want 2013 to be your year for personal success? Through organization I help clients find the time to achieve their personal and professional goals. Please contact Carolyn to schedule a complementary telephone consultation and be your best in 2013. 

Carolyn Anderson-Fermann is a public speaker, organizing expert and founder of Simply Organized Life. Would you like to learn how to keep your family organized? Carolyn will be presenting "Organize Your Family" through Ann Arbor Rec and Ed on Friday, February 8, 2013. Register with Ann Arbor Rec and Ed.  

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